How To Discover The Best Ideas

Discovering the best ideas is both an art and a science. For those willing to tap into their internal make up and wiring, this discovery can be both cathartic and inspirational.

Passion leads to Purpose. Purpose starts with a vision. Vision is your idea of what or how you envision the world transformed through your actions. Simply put, what change do you wish to see around you?

When I started my journey of entrepreneurship, this statement provoked me a great deal, “without a vision people perish.” As I contemplated on this, I discovered that vision is connected to fulfillment!

In essence, if you want to impact the world, it is likely you want to help others by way of value addition or by inventing new products. As such, if you engage your discovery by action—one step at a time—you’ll have found something to live for—purpose!

Soon you’ll discover that despite how challenging it may be to bring this idea to market, and build a successful business. By asking yourself these questions you can gain some insights to help you ascertain your vision, purpose and find a unique competitive edge for you.

  1. What makes you come alive? This is where you fulfillment lies.
  2. What fulfills you has a lot to do with your unique wiring aka your passion or what you’re gifted to do—it comes naturally to you.
  3. How to channel that passion towards a cause that impacts peoples lives for the better—Purpose.
  4. The world you envision once your goal is realized—Vision.

Alternatively, you may want to consider these same questions through the Ikigai framework. Ikigai is a Japanese concept that translates to mean ‘reason for living’.



This concept is underscored by your unique response to the following four questions.

  1. What do you love to do?
  2. What does the world need?
  3. What can you be paid for?
  4. What are you good at?

If you’ve ever engaged in this discovery exercise before I’m sure you know that while it can be fun and exciting, it can also be very overwhelming and may seem complex. This is why I started Vision, Purpose and Fulfillment (VPF) Strategies. A coaching and consulting practice where I help my clients design, develop and deploy valuable strategies leveraging some of these concepts to best align with the current market’s needs for a successful strategy and profits maximization.

2023 is almost here. Do you or anyone you know has a business or is thinking of starting a business or better yet, if you are a professional, are you tired of your current work, and seek a more meaningful career?

If yes, let’s connect. You may reach me at otherwise, thank you for time. Lastly, if you found this content to be helpful, share with your friends and those in your networks and share your comments below. Thank you!