How to engage your employees

Employee Engagement: Purpose That Inspire

Imagine you are in the job market, and just came across this chart, would you be inspired to join the workforce? Today’s workforce is proving to be quite dynamic and diverse. Those willing to engage their hire (employers), and those willing to understand employer’s culture before joining (employees) will reap mutual gains and leadership. Lead in […]

Wishing you a merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Christmas is only a few days away. This holiday evokes vast memories in all of us. For me, Christmas represents a joyous time when I intentionally go down the memory lane savoring the wonderful experiences while gleaning lessons from the not so wonderful times since last Christmas.. It’s in this spirit of thought, joy and wonder that inspires […]

How To Monetize Your Passion

Monetize Your Passion

Many people dream of living a passionate life. While some only dream, there are those who take enormous risks in figuring out how to monetize their passion. Examples of such individuals are ubiquitous. The likes of Steph Curry among others make a living doing what they love while others toil in a job even though they have incredible talent. I confess, I used to be in […]

How to be in your zone

Do You Work, Live, Play From Your Strengths Zone?

Playing to our strengths is arguably the best path to living in happiness zone. To live our best live, we need only to play to our strengths. It is said that, “using our strengths is the smallest thing we can do towards making contributions in the society.” Surprisingly many of us do not know our strengths, […]

Got Value?

Got Value?

In his Tedtalk, Start With Why, Simon Sinek makes a compelling argument that individuals and companies that achieve more than success always ‘start with why.’ According to business, value is what a buyer perceives from goods or services or money leading to a voluntary exchange. It is said that for one to create value, he or she […]

The art of work life balance

Got Happiness? Flow is the Secret

It turns out that once you’re above the poverty line, it does not matter how much your income level increases, your degree of happiness remain unaffected. So, how can one ensure happiness regardless of income increase? According to Mihaly Csilkszentmihalyi, dubbed the father of Flow, “Flow is a state of mind.” explained in his TedTalk In […]

Vision is found in design
Purpose is found in vision
Fulfillment is found in purpose