Clarity is Golden


“Good is the enemy of great.” –Jim Collins

The chasm between good and great is a marginal one. Only you can decipher what that is for you relative to who you are now and who you want to become.

After all, it’s your life and only you know deep down why the gulf exists or why you’re stuck. To be fair, many of us are often unaware of what others see in us.

Take heart should you find yourselves stagnant. It’s a common challenge for many who are acquainted with their self and understand that there is more out there.

In fact, anyone who is doing anything meaningful in life or desires to encounters this challenge more often than not.

That said the degree to which you are willing to change or adjust your behavior is to the degree you’ll realize change.

In many cases, the change required seem enormous and daunting, but with careful considerations of the goal at hand, and all the relevant data and resources necessary to move the needle towards your desired goal post; change is feasible and greatness within reach.

Be warned though for we humans are often myopic of some aspect of what needs to be done to realize our goals. Why its critical to seek help if you feel you’re unclear about where to begin or if you feel overwhelmed by all the to dos.

In many cases, the path way forward is so clear albeit unbeknown to the one in the center of it. If you are willing to own the fact that getting help might be just what you need to gain clarity, then progress awaits.

Buyer beware… you must desire this change and greatness more than the helper who comes to your aid or you seek otherwise it’s fools handy to expect progress unless you are truly invested in your end results.

So, if you feel it’s time to get off your laurels and on to pursuing your best work—the meaningful work that you know when done makes you come alive. For to be complacent is to acquiesce to a life of mediocrity and regrets later while your soul cries to be unleashed!