How to be grounded to come alive and love your life

What I Learned From Writing A Book

I have been blogging for a while now, and have written an e-book before. However, the idea of writing and publishing a book has for some reason daunted me even though I have pile and piles of content that I have saved on my Evernote under the file name: to publish. So, why the fear or simply why did I procrastinate?

If you are like me, you know and believe you were meant to share your gifts and experiences with others. After all, it’s through others: coaches, mentors, clients, friends, acquaintances that you have learned and been inspired by to reach your full potential. So, writing is not just something you know and feel are obligated to, rather you know with certainty you must fulfill. In essence your conviction is that by letting your voice be heard you are solving someone’s conundrum, easing another’s misery or simply inspiring dead dreams to rise. Therefore, the question most of us struggle with then is ‘when is the right time to write a book?’ At least this was the case for me.

There Is Never A Perfect Time To Live The Life You Love

The truth be told, there is never a perfect moment to do anything… unless of course you want to do nothing, binge eat your favorite cake or ice-cream, or simply goofy off—anytime is always the right time for that! The reason being that anytime is the best time to drift away doing the sort of thing that yield temporary thrill for no real gains to your life or anyone else’s—been there done that. Thus, the real question is… is this the kind of life you really want to live?

No Pain, No Gain!

You see, to do anything important and of value, you and I must be intentional and plan our time effectively. Now planning for one person could mean I will seat for 4 hours till X is done or I will spend the next X weeks writing till I am done with Y project. However you plan and get things done is not the issue here, but that you actually curve out some time to actually do what you promised yourself to do. Whether that means no sleep, food or sunlight for the next days/weeks or months, all that matters is that you just do it! Isn’t this the reason why we love the Nike slogan? I bet it is! It’s simple, compelling and straight up empowering, so just get that book or project done! You will love yourself for it.

Time Is The De-Facto… It Takes Time To Do Anything

In my case, I started this book-writing project back in 2016, and although I first penned down the initial content in 2012 as my journal entries. The idea of a book was only conceived afterwards. I realized I kept regurgitating my epiphanies to my clients and friends, and they would go on to remark that it was impacting their perspective and demanding they change their modus operandi.

Be Bold And Act Accordingly

In fact, one pivotal moment came as I shared with a partner who sought my services for clarity of vision. After she completed the program, she called me a few months later with news that she was traveling to Africa to officially launch her project—a library in rural Kenya. I was elated and overwhelmed with joy, yet humbled that what seemed like a thought to do something had manifested itself to transforming lives in real and practical ways in others’ lives. The last time I checked, she shared the progress and noted that she has served well over 500 kids and many continue to flock in the library for some fresh perspective in curiosity and quest for knowledge. Like my grandfather used to say, ‘Knowledge Is Power!’ Can you imagine what these kids are now dreaming of??? Who knows? They may be the next Elon Musk, I don’t know, but I know they will NEVER be the same again.

Get Started…Now! 

Whether you are writing an email, a blog, an article, a book; getting started is always the hardest thing. However, if you outline your ideas as your English 101 professor advised, you will find that connecting the dots gets easier and easier thereafter. The art of step by step in execution is similar to what we do each day… we get up each morning, shower, eat breakfast, go to work or school and return home in the evening only to repeat the same routine again the following day. This very art and science is what you will need if you want to write that book or do anything valuable with your life and in the world at large.

Simply, just do it! The joy of creating something, putting your ideas to paper, and actually realizing you make sense is more thrilling than anything I ever tasted! It is this thrill coupled with the desire to share what I have learned over the years that inspires me to do what I love to do—help you find yourself in this crazy world aka reimagine your Vision, Purpose and fulfillment. 

Do you have a desire to share your unique experiences with others? Do you find it hard to articulate your ideas out of your head? Do you need clarity or the know how to get started? If yes, I am here to help, send me a note or share your comment below.

I am excited to share this incredible resource because I believe it will transform your thoughts, infuse you with energy and inspire you to dream again. To get your own copy click here or  from other platforms where books are sold.

Carolyne helps professionals gain clarity around building a career through meaningful work. A speaker, author of Being Grounded: 21 Days To Come Alive and Love Your Life, and a contributing writer for various publications. To schedule your 45 minutes complimentary session with her, you can write her at