What Is Your Belief System?

What is your belief system?  Whatever it is, is it serving you?  Would  you say you are aware of the hardware that runs your software?  By hardware I mean your subconscious beliefs and conscious beliefs respectively.

Beliefs are so powerful that they manifest in our thoughts, actions, objects or whatever it is that we direct them to.   James Allen wrote, “As a man thinketh so is he.”  A statement that is straight from the ancient book, the Bible.  Whether you believe in this statement or not that is not the issue, but rather my point here is to point out that you and I have tramedous power over our daily living, and can choose to experience joy, peace and love if we choose to or not.

So, choose to embrace beliefs that empower and inspire you to what you want: joy, peace and love from which a well of joy, peace, love and great creativity will flow!
As you welcome a new month, choose a better way: a better life, better thoughts, better beliefs, and they will serve you in return.

Want to share some of the beliefs that have helped you achieve or not achieve in your life, and how you have either reinforced those that empower you or replaced the ones that do not serve you?