What Is Your Working Style?

What is your modus operandi when it comes to work or when you are working in teams? 

Great relationships at work or otherwise take intentionality and hard work. Why if you have not thought about how you wish to be treated by those you work with, chances are you will end up being miserable at work or in your relationships. 

Design your own rules of engagement on how you want to show up and for when you are dealing with others at work or elsewhere is a great incentive. I call this your personal leadership strategy. 

You see, you are the C.E.O of the YOU Inc., and like any leadership role, you are best at leading when you have clarity of what you want to accomplish—a strategy.  

By designing your own personal leadership strategy you boost your energy, happiness and save time as you learn to be poised in different situations. 

So, what is a Personal Leadership Strategy? 

Simply, a personal leadership strategy is a set of rule of thumbs that you mentally go through whenever engaging with others and in decision making. 

Being clear on your rule of thumbs at any given situation is helpful. For it aligns your values and goals giving you latitude to go for what you want. Additionally, this allows you to navigate through emotional entanglement that could potentially cripple relationships and decision making tremendously.

I learned this technique years ago, and find it helpful. Why when I coach my clients, I give them the assignment of creating a personal leadership strategy for themselves.

Questions To Ask Yourself When Designing Your Personal Leadership Strategy

  • What career do I want to build? 
  • Why does this matter to my life?
  • How does my career contribute to my fulfillment?
  • What contributions do I want to make in my company and why?
  • What is my leadership style?
  • How important is leadership development to me?

Much like a business plan, this strategy document outlines how you plan to work with bosses, supervisors, colleagues and subordinates in various situations. Think of it as an internal modus of operandi only known to you. With processes and policies to implement as you go through daily issues or when conflict arise. 

Bear in mind, your personal leadership strategy is a living document that embodies your DNA and approach, changing as you grow and develop into different roles. 

Writing down is where it all starts otherwise it’s just a dream. When you write it down, you get more acquainted to yourself, feel more confident, competent and secure in your ability to handle leadership challenges as they arise.

Carolyne helps professionals and organizations gain CLARITY building better brands for better results. A speaker, author of Being Grounded: 21 Days To Come Alive and Love Your Life, and a contributing writer for various publications. To schedule your 45 minutes complimentary session with her, you can write her at carolyne@vpfstrategies.com