2022 Is Around The Corner

Are You Future Ready?

2022 is around the corner, are you future ready? Whether you are or not, this may be of interest to you. Ready for 2022? According to McKinsey & Co., Future-ready organizations (and I might add Individuals) focus their resources on 3 key areas: “They get clear on their purpose; know how they create value and […]

Building Your Brand

If you do a google such on ‘Building Your Brand’ you would probably find trolls of information on this subject. Branding is not a new concept per see but in today’s world of internet of things, being relevant as a brand has become an art and a science.

To standing out among your competitors you will need to have a well thought out plan and strategy on how you plan to do that, as well as figure out by what means (medium) you plan to get your message across.

So, before you launch your business, or if a professional; before you launch your career, or stomp in your bosses office demanding a raise you may want to reignite your brand if you expect to standout amongst your competition.

The good thing is that there’re plenty examples to learn from, but the key is you will need to ‘Be You, Own Your Voice and Uniqueness. For those brand that have dominated the market in their respective industry e.g Nike, Apple, etc, You’ll note that they set out to build a brand that’s distinct and one that told a captivating story to deliver unconventional value for compelling results.

Wouldn’t you want to build the same—a strong commanding brand? If this is your aspiration, you may want to consider the ‘The art of brand building’ or Sun Tzu’s was f of thought in this endeavor that, “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”

So, if you would like to build a compelling strong brand—one that connects and beckons your audience to get on board with your campaign, or vision building then schedule your 30 minutes Complimentary Session or DM at carolyne@vpfstrategies.com.

Vision is found in design
Purpose is found in vision
Fulfillment is found in purpose