Are you stuck?

Feeling Stuck?


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“He who regards the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.”  King Solomon

Life is really challenging! I wish someone had broken it down to me before my adulthood dawned on me. Needless to say, it is too late now, and I must figure it out on my own. Ha… ha.. ha… I know I am not the only one who has felt this way about life? So, before you judge me… hold up your thoughts for a second.

I find that as I navigate my way each day from the time I get up to the time I fall asleep, I am confronted with decisions. While some decisions in life are easier than others e.g. when hungry I know to move my body to the fridge, some decision are much difficult to make. However, life is such that often decisions are demanded of us in a minute, and then the opportunity is gone, yes gone forever! Deciding one thing over another in a nanosecond is the way of life, yet it’s also daunting at times, and can often make one feel like they are caught up in a catch 22quagmire. Well, if you have not faced such circumstances, I wish you well and exhort you to keep on living.

I don’t know about you, but I have hit so many of these forks on my road of life that at times I just want to quit. Other times, I seem to know what to do; yet other times, I just have to make the best decision as I know in the moment. When I came across the remarks above, I felt justified. Especially when I recount countless times when I knew to just chew the bullet and forge ahead. Somehow, I felt the statement validate my struggles. In fact, I pondered for a moment sensing a level of appreciation of those tough times when the fork at the end of the road of life meant life or death, as it seemed then. Gladly, I am still breathing yeah!!!

The hidden lesson in this statement is simple, and although some of us have trivialized it at one time or another, the resounding principle is,’never allow your current circumstances to blind you from the opportunity before you or the possibilities of a better tomorrow.’ If you do, you will often see obstacles instead of opportunities, and you’ll be stuck with fear of moving forward or as some call it the fear of success. I am sure all of us have been faced with such moments at one time or another only to learn that the more you fail, the more you practice and increase your chances of facing the same over and over again.

In the end however, life will demand that you either quit from living or decide you will do what you Must! A hard challenge I must attest, one that will usher you into a threshold of possibilities, opportunities, lessons, growth and contributions to other’s living. The difference between those who allow circumstances to maim them and those who move forward is this, those who press forward awake to the realization that if things are going to change, they themselves must change first! Want to share your thoughts?

Carolyne helps professionals gain CLARITY around building a meaningful career. A speaker, author of Being Grounded: 21 Days To Come Alive and Love Your Life, and a contributing writer for various publications. To schedule your 45 minutes complimentary session with her, you can write her at