Why Bad Things Happen To Good People?

Pain is part of life! The sooner you embrace this reality the better of you will be in dealing with whatever life throws at you. All with no exception are going to experience pain at one time or another—it’s just part of life!

You have a choice in the matter though, and how you react or respond to pain is your choice.  Whatever the case, your decision will ultimate determine if you’re a victim or victor.  Life present to all the same two cycles of night and day. In fact, north will always point to the same direction no matter where one is across the globe. Nevertheless, the truth remains; you and I choose what to determine as a pain or better yet how to interpret or respond to our pain. No matter the pain however, human beings have an innate capacity to deal with anything however unbearable. Viktor Frankl demonstrate this point lucidly in his book, Man Search For Meaning. He remarks,“A man who becomes conscious of the responsibility he bears toward a human being who affectionately waits for him, or to an unfinished work, will never be able to throw away his life. He knows the “why” for his existence, and will be able to bear almost any how.”

In my case, I’m thankful, I’ve not gone through nearly as much pain as many before me have. But one thing I am sure of is that one’s pain is unique and real to the individual experiencing the pain. I’ve been through my own share of pain either because I was naïve or brought it upon myself or due to life happenings.  But regardless of the cause, the pain was real.

Lesson learned: Expect it, and when it knocks at your door be sure to embrace and determine what you’ll make of it. Seek to extrapolate some meaning of the issue facing you no matter the pain. This will help you not only choose your outlook on the matter but offer you a perspective that if carefully discerned will yield a unending source of strength, will and stamina to face the obstacle, and before you know it—light will shine forth at end of the tunnel—and you will be out of the valley with insights, wisdom and virtue all because you hoped and trusted in the Meaning You Gave The Pain!

How have you dealt with pain in your life or have you seen anyone close to you deal with pain?  Share your thoughts or insights?