Got Curiosity? Why You Need It

Did you know that being curious helps boost your state of being? Being happier, healthier, smarter, creative, and leave you feeling more fulfilled? Among other basic human needs, curiosity or the desire to know is inherently human. We want to know… why a 3 year old asks questions relentlessly. Others are said to experience an […]

Got Value?

Got Value?

In his Tedtalk, Start With Why, Simon Sinek makes a compelling argument that individuals and companies that achieve more than success always ‘start with why.’ According to business, value is what a buyer perceives from goods or services or money leading to a voluntary exchange. It is said that for one to create value, he or she […]

Are you stuck?

Feeling Stuck?

  “He who regards the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.”  King Solomon Life is really challenging! I wish someone had broken it down to me before my adulthood dawned on me. Needless to say, it is too late now, and I must figure it out on my […]

Vision is found in design
Purpose is found in vision
Fulfillment is found in purpose