Are you stuck?

Feeling Stuck?

  “He who regards the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.”  King Solomon Life is really challenging! I wish someone had broken it down to me before my adulthood dawned on me. Needless to say, it is too late now, and I must figure it out on my […]

What Is Your Belief System?

What is your belief system?  Whatever it is, is it serving you?  Would  you say you are aware of the hardware that runs your software?  By hardware I mean your subconscious beliefs and conscious beliefs respectively. Beliefs are so powerful that they manifest in our thoughts, actions, objects or whatever it is that we direct […]

Get FREE copy of my eBook on How to Make Extra Cash

Want a free PDF copy of my eBook  How To Make Extra Cash –  So You Can Quit Your Job Faster & Easier, Be Your Own Boss Doing What You Love!   Just enter your name and email address for free access! [email-download download_id=”596″ contact_form_id=”604″] In this book you’ll receive insights that will help you find […]

Why Do You Work?

[spacer height=”05px”] Why Do You Work? Before you trivialize this question, think with me for a moment. We all work various jobs for various reasons.  For some of us, we work because we need the money or the money is good, we love to problem solve, love the challenge, like the boss, enjoy the perks, we like the […]

Lessons or Regrets You Decide

If we are truthful with ourselves we’ve all done something that we wish we could change or said something that we wish we could swallow back.  We are fallible creatures bound to make some mistakes along the life’s journey. So, how do we coupe with regrets? How can we turn our regretful moments to empowering […]

Vision is found in design
Purpose is found in vision
Fulfillment is found in purpose